The only thing you want when you are upset is for mama to sing Twinkle Twinkle to you. It is blissful. Currently you are obsessed with singing along to Sesame Street and the Backyardagains. And reading. You are starting to memorize and read back to me and Daddy. Your current favorite is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You like that you can count how many foods he eats. You can recognize some letters and numbers.
Yesterday you told me your carrot stick was the number one. How bright you are!!! Last weekend we went to visit Grammy and Papa at the lake. You were such a good boy in the car on the way there. Once we got there you said hi to everyone and promptly fell down two stairs giving yourself a bloody nose that would have made even Rocky Balboa cringe. Fully living up to the name Maddox Danger Reynolds.
This weekend we are going to celebrate your friend Baby Ronan's 1st birthday! I know you'll have a good time there. You always love being at the park.
I love you!